
Super Jagger Bomb  is an arcade action title from Spanish software  soloist CheapeeSoft Games.  However, anyone who ever frequented an arcade in the ’80s will definitely recognise where this game gets its inspiration from. With its jumping, floating and bomb-collecting action, this game is very much a clone of Tehkan’s […]

Super Jagger Bomb – PS5 Country

There’s a weird phenomenon that happens sometimes in the indie game scene, where one dev comes up with an idea and almost immediately, another game releases with an uncanny resemblance to that idea. Last November, I reviewed a game called BPM: Bullets Per Minute Which featured the novel concept of marrying […]

Metal Hellsinger – PS5 Review

I recently reviewed the Mass Effect Legendary Edition and pointed out that minus a couple of features it was a collection done right. Now it’s the turn of the Ninja Gaiden Master Collection, also three games from the previous generation packed together. Things aren’t as straightforward here, which I’ll get […]

Ninja Gaiden Master Collection – PS4 Review

We’re self-confessed fans of 10Tons Ltd and their range of twin-stick shoot ’em ups and have been covering their reappearance as PS5 titles happily.  It started with Jydge which got a surprising re-release as a PS5 launch title and since then we’ve given positive reviews to Undead Horde and their new joint Tesla […]

Tesla vs Lovecraft – PS5 Review