
RPM – Road Punk Mayhem is a vertically-scrolling shoot ’em up from Panda Indie Studio who, along with publisher eastasiasoft, have been responsible for a few shoot ’em ups in recent times.  They’ve had mixed results though with Z-Warp and the Project Starship games being okay but with Feeble Light and Excessive […]

RPM – Road Punk Mayhem – PS5 Review

Graven is certainly aiming at a specific inspiration. A first-person shooter set in a dark fantasy world, it looks to scratch that Hexxen itch. Slipgate Ironworks and 3D Realms are waist-deep in the genre but, even with all that experience, the Playstation 5 port remains troubled. Let’s get the bad […]

Graven – PS5 Review

Retaliate is a twist on the classic wave-based vertically-scrolling shooter and it comes from Austin Sojka, otherwise known as Romans I XVI Gaming.  In researching the game we found an older version for the Roku TV platform and even a Commodore 64 (*spit!*) demake, so the idea for this game has […]

Retaliate – PS5 Review

I have waited so long to play Beyond Good & Evil. It was always one of those games that was talked with such reverence but I’d never managed to get my hands on it. Now Ubisoft have decided to re-release and update the classic game with a 20th Anniversary Edition. […]

Beyond Good & Evil: 20th Anniversary Edition – PS5 Review