
I do love being impressed. In this job, almost everything is new to me but I never get tired of seeing new ideas work brilliantly. Coming from a single developer, Sam Enright has managed to pull together a visually impressive and cohesive universe whilst also providing a smart role-playing experience. […]

Beyond Galaxyland – PS5 Review

I’ve never had a game described as an interactive photoplay before. That’s how Times & Galaxy rolls, a game based entirely around journalism and reporting the news. Copychaser Games are behind it and, despite the penchant for the mundane, the extra-terrestrial setting allows for a charming time. The Times & […]

Times & Galaxy – PS5 Review

It’s funny how games centred around menial vocations can prove such a hit. Overcooked has spawned plenty of imitators in a genre that is all about too much to do. Ready, Steady, Ship! is the latest of these to come to console. Jollybit Games have taken the simple, repetitive art […]

Ready, Steady, Ship! – PS5 Review

It’s been really nice seeing the explosion of retro re-releases hitting the market. I spent a lot of time as a kid playing older games and, now with the benefit of hindsight, it’s been interesting to revisit them. I’m not convinced many of the CPC games I used to play […]

Top Racer Collection – PS5 Review

Hardspace: Shipbreaker is the latest title from Vancouver natives Blackbird Interactive and it’s genuinely got a different concept to really any game we’ve reviewed or played.  It’s pretty much as the name suggests.  You’re a spaceship salvager and you float around in space cutting up giant space ships before flinging their […]

Hardspace: Shipbreaker – PS5 Review

We’ve been quite excited about R-Type Final 2 ever since it was announced a couple of years ago (as a Kickstarter project) and it’s finally arrived.  If you don’t know, R-Type is shoot ’em up royalty.  A series that goes back to the golden age of the arcades with the first game hitting […]

R-Type Final 2 – PS4 Review

Couch co-op might not entirely be the best thing in mind during a pandemic. Still, there’s plenty of people stuck indoors, potentially with family, friends or flatmates so games of that ilk might see some joy. One such game is Bonkies, a cooperative building game that oozes charm but maybe […]

Bonkies – PS4 Review