Daily Archives: August 5, 2022

Now, this is a tricky one.  Thunderbolt Collection is another retro-collection from QuByte.  They previously brought us the Humans Collection and have now dug even further into the archives to pull out this collection of two little-known shoot ’em ups. What you get with this collection are Thunderbolt Fighting Plane and Thunderbolt II.  Now you’d […]

Thunderbolt Collection – PS4 Review

South of the Circle is, as its name might suggest, a narrative-led adventure set on Antarctica for the most part. Originally developed for Apple’s heavily moderated Arcade service by State of Play and published by 11 Bit Studios on consoles, South of the Circle is very much the well-crafted thing […]

South of the Circle – PS5 Review

Aniquilation is a twin-stick shooter from Colombian coders R-Next that offers over thirty levels of 3D shooting action with a similar viewpoint to Nano Assault and Super Stardust Ultra in that each level is a small sphere, essentially a mini-planet.   As you traverse the level, your ship appears to stay in place as […]

Aniquilation – PS5 Review